On Tuesday wrote a story about a White House petition started for Nick Diaz, stating that his five years suspension needs to be overturned. At the time of writing that it had over 7K signatures.
Now, on Wednesday, the petition has over 25.5K signatures. The petition has been shared by plenty of media outlets and even fighters started sharing the link, urging fans to support Diaz. Looks like it worked. The petition was created on Sept. 14 and just two days later it’s received more than a quarter of what it needs in order to be reviewed. The petition has until Oct. 14 to reach 100K.
Now I’m no mathematician, but it would seem that this is a very reachable goal. This just shows how much of a fan favorite Diaz really is, not to mention how much other fighters respect him.
So, I guess what I’m trying to say is, let’s make it happen. Sure, there’s a slight chance nothing would come of earning the required amount of signatures, but hey, let’s show Diaz the MMA world has his back.
You can sign the petition HERE!
Share it, spread it, talk about it, whatever you need to do. Let’s #FreeNickDiaz.