A light heavyweight bout between Jimi Manuwa and Jan Blachowicz was one of the headliners for tonight’s card and it was lackluster at best.
Manuwa struggled to find a comfortable striking distance in the first two rounds and actually took some punishment from Blachowicz. When Manuwa would get too close and didn’t like his situation, he would clinch. Blachowicz was fantastic at the separation of the clinch as he cracked Manuwa with elbows and actually busted him open in the second.
Still, it seemed as if Manuwa had the momentum because he was controlling Blachowicz so often. Blachowicz was often fighting off a takedown attempt with his back on the fence. It wasn’t real offense by Manuwa, but it created the illusion that he was controlling the bout.
We finally saw some action in the closing seconds of the final round as Manuwa opened up and landed a combination followed by a knee. The final flurry was nothing special, but it was exciting compared to the rest of the bout.
Jimi Manuwa def. Jan Blachowicz by way of Unanimous Decision (30-27, 30-27, 29-28)
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