Ronda once said that Demetrious Johnson was her favorite male fighter in the UFC because of how well rounded he is and because of how fast he is.
Now, the UFC flyweight champion has responded and also took a shot at all those ‘uneducated’ fans out there.
In yesterday’s UFC 191 media call, Johnson had this to say about Rousey’s comment and about why fans don’t him.
“Well she’s very educated and I’ve got nothing but love for Ronda Rousey. And that’s the thing, I’ve never walked across another fighter in the UFC (who had a problem), from heavyweight all the way down to women’s strawweight, middleweight, other champions. I’ve always gotten great praises and I give it back to those guys as well.
“So it’s only the fans and uneducated fools out there who say, ‘oh, you’re boring.’ If you say so, but you just don’t understand what I’m doing. You just don’t understand the positives and the technique that I bring to the table.”
Do enjoy watching Johnson fight, if not explain in the comments.
It’s obvious the guy is one of the best in the UFC period, he’s taken out challenger after challenger. It is curious that so many fans just aren’t fans of him. Maybe this upcoming fight will change their minds, but probably not, because that’s just how fans are.
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