Rousey On The Risks Of PED’s In The Cage

Ronda Rousey

“This is a combat sport, and we’re not trying to hit a ball harder. These drugs can make you hit a person harder. The only reason we’re able to do this sport is that the level of human potential is just [low] enough that we can barely allow it. We’re right at the threshold.

“It’s not like we’re getting to the point where it’s, ‘Oh, we’re going to start to have higher world records for weight lifting.’ No. We’re going to be able to hurt each other more. That’s what I’m worried about. I’m worried that this is going to keep escalating and escalating and escalating until somebody dies.”

In a new chat with Yahoo Sports, Ronda Rousey dives deep on the problems with Performance Enhancing Drugs (PEDS).

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