‘Golf And Poker Are On TV, Wrestling Should Be Too’

#048 - SHART, BUCHHOLZ, and STUDBOY. "Chasing Waterfalls."

Would you watch collegiate wrestling if it was broadcast on a major channel, i.e. NBC? That was a question raised on episode 48 of Stud Show Radio. Of course, the sport is broadcast TV. You can find it occasionally on one of the numerous ESPN channels or maybe on a regional sports network from time to time, but what about a major network geared towards a larger audience, would it succeed?

It’s an interesting question, especially considering other sports like jiu-jitsu are in the same position. There are passionate fans for both sports that would love to see them get the recognition they deserve. So why is it that the success of MMA isn’t bringing a bigger audience to wrestling and jiu-jitsu?

An easy answer would be that to the casual fan of MMA, wrestling and jiu-jitsu are boring. No one is getting knocked unconscious or cut open. Again, that is probably the mindset of the casual UFC fan or MMA fan, but if you think about it a large percentage of the UFC’s viewers are those type of fans, they want highlight reel finishes and back and forth brawls. When’s the last time you heard someone talk positively about a fight that ended up being primarily a grappling match?

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However, getting back to Stud Show Radio, co-host Chris Carlino aka Sir Studboy, who wrestled collegiate, has his own opinion on why wrestling isn’t more popular.

“Yeah if the wrestling community wasn’t fu*king complete idiots.
Golf and poker is on TV regularly, ok, if those two things can be on TV regularly–exactly they have channels. It’s just the wrestling community is just backwards, there’s a bunch of fu*king idiots running it.”

And what did he have to say about golf you ask?

“Yeah it’s a board game that you’re standing on, that’s all it is.”

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What do BJPENN.COM readers think, should wrestling and jiu-jitsu be given more respect? Would you watch it on primetime television? Sound off in the comments.

By: Ryan C. Miller | Twitter


Watch the segment below:

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“Stud Show Radio” (Formerly Team Alpha Male Radio) runs every Tuesday and Thursday at 8:00 PM PT on BJPENN.COM. Watch past episodes at the official Stud Show Radio’s Youtube Channel, or visit Studshowradio.com for more information.