Andre Pederneiras, the coach of Jose Aldo and several other top MMA fighters in Brazil, has tested positive for COVID-19.
The 53-year-old Pederneiras is now isolated in his own home away from his wife and children. Combate was the first to reveal the positive test for “Dede,” who is considered one of the pioneers of MMA coaching.
Pederneiras released the following statement on his positive test for the coronavirus.
“I took the COVID-19 test and it was positive. I am well, fulfilling my isolation at home, and my biggest concern at this moment is to continue our fundraising campaign, because the hunger of the less fortunate cannot fail to be quenched, due to a momentary medical loss in the middle of this war that we are fighting to feed the less fortunate,” Pederneiras said.
“Regardless of whether I am unable to go to the street, our army of athletes and collaborators will continue to distribute basic food baskets at scheduled times, and as soon as I am cleared, I will be back in front of everything, buying and distributing food together, we win this war.
“Every week I go to the bank to get the statement to account for the campaign. Unfortunately this week I will have to post the cell phone statement (which I don’t like to do because it doesn’t show the name of the André Pederneiras Institute and the value together), but as soon as I’m released to go out I’ll post the statement the way I was doing it.
“The motto of my life has always been FIGHTING TO WIN, and it will be no different now! My thanks to everyone who is donating and helping these people in need in some way.”
We here at wish Andre Pederneiras the best as he recovers from the coronavirus.