UFN 89 Results: Elias Theodorou defeats Sam Alvey

A middleweight bout between Elias Theodorou and Sam Alvey served as the featured bout of tonight’s UFC Fight Night 89 Fight Pass prelims in Ottawa.

Round one begins and Theodorou misses with a high kick. Alvey has his left hand locked and loaded. Elias lands a leg kick. And then another. Theodorou with another leg kick as he circles away from Alvey. He is doing a great job of keeping Sam at distance. Another leg kick from Elias. He misses with a body kick. Elias with another leg kick. He follows that up with a front kick. Alvey throws a left that misses. Theodorou continues to use his kicks to keep Sam at distance. Another good leg kick from Elias. Sam is trying to close the distance. He lands a nice leg kick. Elias replies with a kick to the body and another. Theodorou has been all kicks and movement in round one. Alvey ends the round by finally landing a punch.

Round two begins and Theodorou continues with the leg kicks to start. Alvey presses forward with punches. Theodorou circles away. He just misses with a front kick. Alvey lands a knee but Elias replies with a right hand. A big uppercut lands for Alvey. Elias presses him up against the cage. Alvey spins him around. Sam lands a short knee. The fighters are battling hard for position in the clinch here. The referee steps in a separates them. Elias with another kick to the body. Round two comes to an end.

Round three begins and Theodorou fires off with back-to-back kicks to the body of Alvey. Elias circles and lands a leg kick. He is moving away from Alvey. Sam needs to apply the pressure. Theodorou shoots in a presses Alvey against the fence. Elias separates and lands a nice shot. Alvey presses forward but Theodorou circles away and lands a leg kick. Sam lands a right hand. He is chasing Elias down but Theodorou will not engage in a brawl. A nice right hand lands for Alvey. Theodorou continues to circle away. He eventually shoots in and once again presses Alvey against the cage. Sam switches the position. The fighters continue to wrestle against the cage. The referee separates them. A nice kick lands for Alvey. He is trying to chase Elias down but can’t find him. Round three ends.

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Elias Theodorou defeats Sam Alvey via decision (29-28, 30-27, 30-27)