A welterweight bout between Randy Brown (7-1 MMA) and Michael Graves (6-0 MMA) kicked off the televised portion of the UFC on FOX 19 prelims in Tampa.
Round one begins and Michael Graves shoots in for a takedown. The fighters clinch against the fence. Brown scores a trip but Graves shoots back up to his feet. They clinch against the fence again. Graves shoots in for a double leg. Brown defends the takedown well. More clinch work from the fighters and the referee decides to force the break. Good strike lands for Brown. Graves rushes in and scored the takedown. Michael begins working from half guard. Randy adjusts and moves to full guard. Good upkick scores for Brown from the bottom. Graves with a good right hand. Brown is searching for a triangle and then an armbar but neither submission is there for the taking. Brown is defending well but Graves is on top. Triangle choke attempt from Brown falls short on time as round one comes to an end.
Round two begins and Graves scores an early single-leg takedown. He begins working some ground and pound from full guard. Good elbows from the top score for Graves. He moves to half guard briefly before Brown scrambles back to full guard. Randy tries to scramble but Graves takes his back. Good hammer fists from Graves. He locks in a rear-naked choke. It’s all over!
Michael Graves defeats Randy Brown via submission (rear-naked choke) at 2:31 of round two