VIDEO | UFC Fight Night 100 Results: Kamaru Usman defeats Warlley Alves (highlights)

A welterweight scrap between Warlley Alves and Kamaru Usman took place on tonight’s UFC Fight Night 100 main card in Sao Paulo, Brazil.

Round one begins and Usman presses forward and lands a nice left jab. Alves circles and lands a nice counter right hand. He follows that up with a leg kick. Alves with a jab and then he circles away. Usman presses forward and pins Alves up against the cage. Kamaru with a right hand. Alves eats it and circles out. Usman goes to the body with a jab. Alves continues to utilize movement but gets caught with a right. He takes the punch and then charges forward with a kick. Usman presses forward and lands a combination. Alves returns fire with a counter right that lands. Kamaru with a nice stiff jab. Warley responds with a counter left. Usman goes to the body with a jab. Alves returns fire with a leg kick. Usman presses him against the cage and throws a flurry. Alves circles out and lands a body kick. Warley with a nice jab. He lands a knee and then misses with a spinning high kick. That upsets Usman who charges forward with strikes. Round one comes to a close.

Round two begins and Alves starts things off with a kick to the body of Usman. Kamaru presses Alves against the cage and works some foot stomps. He switches to some knees. The fighters grapple against the cage. They break and Alves lands a jab. Usman returns fire with a flurry and then shoots in for a takedown. It is not there. They break and Usman lands a hard kick. Alves throws a front kick in reply but it misses. Big shots from Usman. He is chasing Alves down now. Warley with a leg kick. Usman eats it and presses forward with strikes. He is landing. Alves is pressed against the cage now and Usman is landing foot stomps and knees from the position. Warley looks at the clock. That is not a good sign. He appears tired. Usman is taking to him now. Kamaru with a nice combo. Round two comes to an end.

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Round three begins and Alves lands a good counter to start. Usman is pressing the action here. Warley is bleeding after a combination lands for Usman. He follows that up with some more big shots. Alves is busted up. Usman scores an easy takedown. Warley locks in a guillotine choke. It is tight. Usman looks like he could be in trouble. Alves tries to squeeze but Usman breaks free of the hold. Big shots from the top now by Usman. He is landing some brutal elbows now. Alves is trying to scramble but he can’t get Usman off of him. More elbows from the top. Warley bucks Kamaru but Usman stays in top position. He is searching for an arm-triangle choke now. Alves is defending well. 30 seconds remain. Usman adjusts the hold but cannot secure the finish before the horn sounds to end round three.

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