A middleweight bout between Elvis Mutapcic and Anthony Smith served as the featured bout of tonight’s TUF 24 Finale prelims on UFC Fight Pass.
Round one begins and Mutapcic presses forward and throws a front kick. Smith replies with a low kick that lands. Anthony with a nice jab and then a left hook. He follows that up with a hard leg kick. Mutapcic shoots in and scores a takedown. He begins landing some hard shots from the top. Smith is using a butterfly guard from the bottom. He goes for an armbar attempt but Elvis pulls his arm out. Mutapcic begins landing some big elbows from the top. Anthony scrambles back to full guard. More big shots from Elvis. He is smothering Anthony on the ground here. More good ground and pound from Mutapcic before the horn sounds to end round one.
Round two begins and Mutapcic throws a leg kick to start. Smith replies with a left hook and then a front kick. Elvis leans in and misses with a jab. He presses forward with a combination but eats a counter knee and then a right hand from Smith. Another right hand scores for Smith. Anthony lands a left and then a pair of rights. Elvis looks to be rocked. Another right and then an elbow from Smith. Elvis is busted open now. Mutapcic fires off a leg kick. Anthony replies with a right hand and then a left. He circles and lands a big jab. Smith charges forward and lands a combination. Elvis replies with a kick. He presses forward and lands a jab of his own. Smith returns fire with a knee and then a follow up elbow. Another massive elbow from Smith. He drops Elvis with the blow. Anthony follows up with ground and pound and this one is over!