A welterweight scrap between Niko Price and Vicente Luque served as the featured prelim of tonight’s UFC Fight Night 119 event in Sao Paulo, Brazil.
Round one begins and Price throws a right hand over the top. Luque presses forward but Price is circling along the outside to stay out of range. Luque with a hard low kick and then another. Both men land left hands. Price with a jab. Luque responds with a right hand over the top. Price connects with a jab and Luque fires off a leg kick. Vicente lands a nice right hand over the top. Price responds with a jab before Luque leaps in with a flying knee. The horn sounds to end round one.
Round two begins and Price paws with a left jab early. Luque lands a nice low kick and then a short left hook. Price replies with a right hand. Both men are more aggressive to start round two. Luque with another hard low kick. He follows that up with a double jab. Another solid low kick from Vicente. Price cannot continue to absorb these low kicks. Luque presses forward with a combination followed by a flying knee. The fighters clinch and then quickly break. Price snaps off a quick left jab. Luque lands another hard low kick, this time to the outside. He lands a left hook and Price is now bleeding. Big shots from Vicente now. He is pressing the action and Price is in trouble. He lands a right and Price hits the floor. Luque locks in a d’arce choke and Price is forced to tapout. What a finish!
HUGE win for @VicenteLuqueMMA! Steps in on short notice and subs Price at #UFCSP! pic.twitter.com/PLdaSfUgbH
advertisement – continue reading below advertisement – continue reading below— UFC Canada (@UFC_CA) October 29, 2017
Significant Strikes. Significant Submission. Vicente Luque finishes the job with the win vs. Niko Price! #UFCSP https://t.co/Pt0hNRzUNn
— FOX Sports: UFC (@UFCONFOX) October 29, 2017
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