Award Winning Cannabis Developer: Weed not a PED…well maybe mine is

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Some good news came in the Nick Diaz five year suspension saga earlier this week when the MMA community came together and surpassed the 100K signature goal for the official White House Petition.

Diaz’s legal team are getting ready to file an appeal for a judicial review and we’ll see what happens from there. On the recent episode of popular MMA podcast, ‘The Brutally Honest Show,’ the guys were joined by expert marijuana grower Kyle Kushman.

The weed expert talked about the controversial five year suspension handed to Diaz by the Nevada State Athletic Commission. Kushman, who said he knows of Diaz, said that like most punishments associated with marijuana the five years suspension is crazy, but thinks that in general things are getting better as far as restrictions with marijuana.

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In general, Kushman feels that in no way is weed a performance enhancing drug and can’t understand why sports teams don’t recognize that.

“Marijuana is not known as a performance enhancing drug, if you will. It’s more known for a ‘make you sit on the couch’ sort of drug. It relaxes people, it helps with anxiety, but it’s not a performance enhancing drug and I don’t know why coaches and teams around the country wouldn’t rather have their players using marijuana than alcohol.”

“Of course, in any case marijuana, cannabis, is going to be better than alcohol. Alcohol is not medicine, it really is just not medicine and cannabis is medicine.”

Although, Kushman did laugh and said that maybe his weed is a PED since it’s so strong, but was obviously just kidding.

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What do you guys think, should marijuana be on the banned substance list, or just taken off completely?

Watch the full episode HERE.

Check out Kushman’s websites below:

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You can download the full show on iTunes and listen on Soundcloud:

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