The drama continues to unfold between Jorge Masvidal and Ben Askren. Masvidal recently sat down with ESPN’s Brett Okamoto to clarify some recent comments he made.
Last week, Askren called out Masvidal for saying he wanted to end his bloodline. During a State of Combat podcast, Askren’ called the alleged comments “sick” and “disturbing.”
During an interview with ESPN, Masvidal clarified his comments. He said:
“Not his bloodline, I said I want to take him out of the reproduction system so he can’t reproduce anymore. We don’t need anymore Ben Askren’s in this world. Not his bloodline. Whatever he’s done already, I don’t mention nobody’s kids: I wouldn’t dare, but I’m just taking him out for the future. We don’t need more people like him on this planet.”
Jorge Masvidal was also critical of Askren’s trash-talking. Askren has been very vocal about his disdain for Masvidal, but ‘Gamebred’ believes it’s a façade:
“He just says a lot of crap and hopes something sticks on the wall. I just saw him right now in the dressing room like a man and he gets all nervous. He can’t, spur of the moment start talking. I’m sure he’s going to go home, think about something to say on some post.. but when we’re right here live in the flesh… nothing to say. I can’t be talking to a dude like that…the back and forth stuff is a little bit too corny for me ’
Despite being critical, Jorge Masvidal says he’s not taking this personally but is happy to get his hands on Askren.
“I’m happy I get to bust this guy in the face. A little happier than most times, I can tell you that much.”
The Masvidal vs Askren beef will come to a head at UFC 239 this Saturday 6th July at the T-Mobile Arena in Las Vegas.
Watch the full interview with Brett Okamoto here:
This article first appeared on BJPENN.COM on 7/4/2019.