Report | Massive sales numbers revealed for Proper No. Twelve

Conor McGregor, Proper No. Twelve, Conor McGregor net worth

According to a report from the Irish Times, Proper No. Twelve, the Irish whiskey recently launched by former UFC lightweight and featherweight champ Conor McGregor, has already become a massive fiscal success.

According to this report, Proper No. Twelve “sold out a six-month allocation in its first 10 days and has now shipped about 200,000 nine-litre cases since its launch.”

As Aaron Bronsteter of TSN points out, this equates to tens of millions of dollars of product sold — provided the figures provided are accurate.

“This article states that Proper Twelve sold about 200,000 cases (12 750ml bottles) since launch,” Bronsteter wrote. “That is roughly $35-$40 million worth of product if the wholesale price is $15-$18 per bottle.”

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If these figures are accurate, Proper No. Twelve is still dwarfed by Pernod Ricard-owned Jameson, one of the world’s most popular Irish whiskeys and brand Conor McGregor has publicly mocked.

That being said, it is undeniably impressive that McGregor’s product has achieved such success so early on its life. In fact, the Irish Times is reporting that Proper No. Twelve’s inception has actually caused a dip in Jameson sales.

“Jameson, which has led the Irish whiskey renaissance, is seeing a slowdown in growth in the US with analysts attributing it in part to the launch of Conor McGregor’s Proper No. Twelve brand last year,” the Irish Times reported.

Stay locked to for more updates on Conor McGregor and his hugely successful Proper No. Twelve Irish whiskey.

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This article first appeared on BJPENN.COM on 4/25/2019. 


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