Former UFC lightweight champion Anthony Pettis made his featherweight debut against Charles Oliveira in the co-main event of tonight’s UFC on FOX 21 fight card in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada.
Round one begins and Pettis lands a kick to the body but Oliveira catches his leg and presses him against the fence. He is looking for a takedown but Pettis is defending well. Charles has a hold of the leg but gives it up. The fighters break. Pettis lands a nice right hand. Oliveira shoots in for another takedown attempt. He press Pettis against the cage and takes him to the ground. Charles immediately moves to the back and begins working for a rear-naked choke. Pettis scrambles and winds up on top. Charles with a triangle attempt but Pettis pulls out and stands up. Anthony with a big left kick and another. Oliveira goes down. He is hurt. Shots from the top by Pettis. He is hammering Charles here. He moves to side control. Oliveira is busted open now. Charles scrambles and winds up on top. He quickly takes the back of Pettis. Anthony scrambles and winds up back on top. Good punches from Pettis. he is working Oliveira here. Charles is hanging in there though. Pettis is working from full guard now. More punches from Anthony. Round one comes to an end.
Round two begins and Oliveira presses forward with combination. He throws a body kick at Pettis. Anthony with a nice body shot and then a takedown. He decided to stand back up. Pettis with a head kick that partially lands. He comes back with a right hand. Charles presses forward with shots and then a push kick. Pettis lands a jab. Oliveira is applying the pressure here. He lands a nice leg kick. He presses Pettis against the fence and lands a knee. Anthony with a shot to the body and then a nice jab. Charles presses him back against the cage. Pettis is able to break free but Oliveira is relentless with his pressure. He shoots in and takes the back of Pettis while standing. He leaps onto the back of Pettis and drags him to the floor. He quickly locks in a body triangle. He begins searching for a rear-naked choke. Pettis is defending but it stuck in this position. Pettis scrambles and winds up on top. He lands a big elbow. Pettis breaks free and stands up. Charles immediately press him against the cage. Anthony breaks free and lands a shot. Charles responds with a nice combo and then a shot to the body. Pettis with a spinning kick to the body. Oliveira shoots in and scores a takedown to end round two.
Round three begins and Pettis lands a jab. The fighters trade kicks. Charles shoots in and lands a takedown. Oliveira is able to move to side control. Pettis throws up an armbar attempt but Oliveira escapes. Pettis scrambles and winds up in top position. Anthony is working in north-south position. Oliveira gets back up and lands a takedown. Pettis has a guillotine and it is deep. Charles taps!