A featherweight bout between Artem Lobov and Teruto Ishihara kicked off today’s UFC Fight Night 99 main card in Belfast, Northern Ireland.
Round one begins and Ishihara misses with a high kick to start. Teruto follows that up with a body kick that grazes Lobov. Artem is applying the forward pressure here. He misses with a wild right hand and then eats a low kick. Ishihara with a jab to the body that lands. He follows that up with back-to-back leg kicks. Lobov misses with a left hook. Teruto with another low kick that lands. Lobov continues with the forward pressure and lands a left hand. Teruto circles away. The Japanese fighter misses with a body kick. Lobov lands a right hand and then stuffs a takedown attempt from Teruto. Lobov lands a right hand and then another. Ishihara fires back with a low kick. Artem presses forward and misses with a left hook. Teruto with a jab that misses upstairs but he lands a follow up strike to the body. Artem responds with a jab. He lands a leg kick. Teruto fires back with a leg kick of his own. Artem charges forward and lands a right. Teruto responds with another leg kick. Artem presses forward and lands a big right. Lobov with a left and Teruto looks hurt. He lands a big body kick and round one comes to an end.
Round two begins and Lobov misses with a punch. Teruto with a kick that scores. Artem follows up with a right hand that lands. Ishihara lands a pair of leg kicks but then eats a big punch. Lobov with all sorts of pressure here. Teruto with another leg kick to the lead leg of Artem. Lobov replies with a leg kick of his own. Artem lands a nice uppercut and then a body kick. He follows that up with a left hand and then a thudding leg kick. Teruto leaps forward and lands a nice crisp right hand. Lobov returns fire with a spinning back kick to the body. He is chasing Teruto down now. Ishihara counters with a left but Artem just eats it and continues the pressure. He lands a nice combo on Teruto. Both men stand and trade punches now. Lobov with a leg kick and Teruto lands a left. Artem still pressing the action here. Teruto circles away but Lobov cuts him off and lands a left and then a leg kick. Another left hand from Artem. Teruto shoots for a takedown but it is not there. Lobov lands a huge left. He starts firing off punches on Teruto but the horn sounds to end round two.
Trading shots at the end of round 2!! What a fight! How do you guys have it scored? #UFCBelfast https://t.co/eSrp7qrbty
advertisement – continue reading below advertisement – continue reading below— UFC (@ufc) November 19, 2016
Round three begins and the fighters trade a few low kicks to start. Lobov lands a left hand upstairs and then one to the body. He lands a massive leg kick on Teruto. Ishihara fires back with a jab. He shoots in for a takedown but Lobov stuffs it easily. Artem with a leg kick and then another. He follows up with another leg kick and then a right hand. He lands a hammer fist while standing. Teruto lands a big shot that drops Lobov. He is rocked. Teruto jumps on Artem. Lobov manages to pull guard. Teruto working some short shots from the top. Lobov is able to escape and get back to his feet. Teruto shoots in for a takedown attempt but it is not there. Lobov lands a nice leg kick. Both fighters look tired. Artem with a jab and then he lands a nice left hand. He presses Teruto against the cage and picks him up and slams him to the floor. He instantly moves to mount. Big shots from the top as round three comes to an end.
advertisement – continue reading below advertisement – continue reading below— UFC (@ufc) November 19, 2016