World Series of Fighting held their inaugural show in November of 2012 on NBC Sports Network. With established names like Andrei Arlovski and prospects like Tyrone Spong fighting for them, the future looked promising for their promotion.
They would go on to hold six events in 2013, crowning their featherweight and welterweight champions in the process.
What does the future hold in store for WSOF? Ray Sefo hopes to hold eight-to-ten events in 2014, two of which airing on NBC’s primary channel.
In a recent interview with the Huffington Post, Sefo stated, “Next year we’re gonna have two shows that are gonna be on the mothership of NBC,” adds Sefo. “They are starting to promote WSOF on there, which reaches millions of millions of other people that probably don’t know much about the sport or have never seen it.”
Sefo also expressed interest in expanding his promotion globally, looking to bring fights to Japan early on in the year.
“I consider Japan as my second home. The fans are truly amazing. It’s a huge fight nation, in terms of following kickboxing and MMA,” offers Sefo. “We’re looking at either the end of March or early April … 100-percent [Yushin] Okami will be fighting on that card, most likely headlining.”