Gray Maynard on what he’s bringing to the table in his third bout against the “dangerous but beatable” Nate Diaz.
VIDEO | TUF 18 Finale: Gray Maynard Pre-Fight Interview

Akira Corassani, Chris Holdsworth, Davey Grant, Drew Dober, Gray Maynard, jared rosholt, jessamyn duke, Jessica Rakozczy, Joshua Sampo, Julianna Pena, Maximo Blanco, mma, MMA NEWS, nate diaz, peggy morgan, Rani Yahya, Raquel Pennington, Roxanne Modafferi, Ryan Benoit, Sean Spencer, The Ultimate Fighter, The Ultimate Fighter Finale TUF 18, Tom Niinimaki, TUF, TUF news, ufc, ufc news, Walter Harris