The first round was lackluster to say the least. Much like how fighters have striking feeling out processes, Sterling was feeling out Mizugaki’s wrestling skills. Sterling stalled against the fence in the clinch in between takedown attempts and time expired with him controlling most of the round.
Sterling upped the tempo in the second round and it benefited him, leading to some exciting action for the fans. Mizugaki was lulled into a false sense of security when he was pressed against the fence as he thought Sterling would maintain the pace he was pushing in the first. Sterling was more aggressive and caught Mizugaki off guard with a couple takedowns which almost led to a submission attempt. Mizugaki defended well while on the ground and made it to the final round.
Sterling locked the victory up by wrestling his way to a decision victory. Mizugaki could not handle the pressure and he couldn’t fight off anymore takedowns at the ten minute mark. Mizugaki turned the tables and ended up on top, but Sterling was prepared for the reversal and locked up an arm triangle from the bottom! Mizugaki tried to fight the hold but was forced to submit early in the third round.
Aljamain Sterling def. Takeya Mizugaki by way of Submission (Arm Triangle) 2:11 of Round 3
“Luke Rockhold, Countdown to UFC on FOX 15 Feature (Part 2) — FIGHT WEEK!”