Michael McDonald (16-3 MMA) vs Masonori Kanehara (25-12-5 MMA). It’s been over two years since Michael “Mayday” McDonald has seen any action in the octagon and tonight he’s got his hands full if the fight hits the ground against the black belt in BJJ Kanehara. McDonald is skilled on the ground but we’ll see if “cage-rust” plays into the fight.
Round one opens up as McDonald lands a jab, and he scores with a right hand over the top of Kanehara’s leg kick. Kanehara rushes in for a takedown. McDonald tries for guillotine as he falls. He’s in full guard, trying for the choke. Kanehara postures. McDonald still hanging on to the hold. He finally let’s go. Kanehara steps over one leg. McDonald trying to find a way up. Kanehara slipping in ripping shots to the body. He steps over to full mount. McDonald regains half and again looks for the guillotine. Two minutes left. Kanehara with short elbows from the top. Kanehara just controlling from the top. Short punches on the openings. McDonald just stuck on his back, and his choke attempts haven’t worked. Right hand from Kanehara. He’s got McDonald’s left arm trapped behind his back. Kanehara finishes on top.
Round two and Kanehara presses forward and looks to mix it up. McDonald tries to fire in a big right hand. Kanehara pushes inside and scores a quick takedown. McDonald again controlling the neck, but Kanehara slips to side control.McDonald still had his arm around the neck. Kanehara steps over to mount. McDonald trying to recover, but Kanehara works to set up the arm-triangle. McDonald in trouble, but he somehow slips out and gets Kanehara’s back. Slick escape, and he’s immediately transitioned to a rear-naked choke and that’s it. Fights over.
Winner: Michael “Mayday” McDonald via submission (RNC) Round 2