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'UFC 170: Rousey vs. McMann' Preliminary Card Play-By-Play & Live Results | BJPenn.com
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‘UFC 170: Rousey vs. McMann’ Preliminary Card Play-By-Play & Live Results

In typical fight-night-fashion, BJPENN.COM will be providing live round-by-round and blow-by-blow action from all the fights on tonight’s UFC 170 fight card.

UFC 170 goes down tonight from The Mandalay Bay Events Center in Las Vegas, Nevada.

The first fight kicks off on UFC Fight Pass starting at 4:00 p.m. PT and our preliminary card coverage will conclude at 7:00 p.m. PT.

If you don’t have a UFC Fight Pass account, just tune in here at the sound of the first bell for all the fight action you can handle.

Looking for main card results? Click HERE.



Round 1 -Chavez comes out and throws a kick, but misses. Cedeno counters with a body shot, then a kick to the leg. Another leg kick. Goes for a spinning kick but misses. Cedeno lands with a hard right hand. Chavez answers with a right hand. Both fighters are landing leg kicks. Cedeno goes for a spinning move, but misses and ends up on his back. Chavez takes advantage and gets side control. He looks to mount, ends up on Cedeno’s back. Cedeno gets to his feet at the end of the round. Chavez 10-9

Round 2- Cedeno lands a good left hand. The. Lands a kick to the leg. Chavez answers with a right hand. Cedeno misses another kick and gets taken down. Chavez works from side control, trying to to get to mount. Cedeno eats a knee against the cage. After no action they are reset. Cedeno almost lands a big head kick. Chavez 10-9.

Round 3- Chavez lands a leg kick. Cedeno lands a body kick. Cedeno throws some jabs, Chavez lands a body kick. Both fighters land shots. Fighters go to the cage and get in a clinch. Fighters are separated. Cedeno misses another spinning move. Both fighters start landing some shots before the round and fight ends.10-9 Cedeno.

Results- Chavez wins via split decision. 28-29, 29-28, 30-27


Round 1 – Both fighters meet in the middle of the octagon. After exchanging shots back and forth, Koch lands a beautiful straight left that drops Oliveira. Koch pounces and finishes him with some ground and pound.

Result: Koch wins via TKO at 1:24 of round 1.


Round 1 – Sampo lands a leg kick. Both fighters feeling each other out. Makovsky throws a head kick, mp but misses. A lot of faints. Mako sky shoots and gets the takedown. Sampo has him in rubber guard. Makovsky stands up the. Jumps down into half guard. Sampo gets it to full guard then Makovsky stands up. Tries to land shots from the top. Goes back to full guard. The fighters get to their feet. Sampo throws a few shots but comes up short. They clinch. Then separate. Makovsky lands a jab. Then a leg kick. Makovsky 10-9

Round 2- Makovsky lands a good head kick. Sampo misses leg kick. Makovsky shoots but misses. Sampo lands a right hand. Sampo’s nose is bloody. Makovsky gets the takedown, is in full guard. Goes for half guard. Gets it. Then he stands up. Jumps in from the top and tries to land in side control. Sampo gets to his feet. Leg kick by Makovsky. Good exchange. Makovsky sort of lands a head kick. Sampo is looking to counter. Makovsky gets another takedown. Is in half guard. Sampo is going for an armbar. Round ends. Makovsky 10-9.

Round 3- Sampo comes out firing, Sampo lands with a right hand. Makovsky goes down against the cage. Sampo is working to get to mount. Ends up in full guard. Against the cage. Fighters get to their feet. A lot of punches missing. Makovsky gets the single leg takedown. Makovsky landing punches from half guard. Makovsky 10-9.

Results- Makovsky wins via unanimous decision


Round 1 – Sterling misses a leg kick. Almost lands a head kick. Both fighters miss kicks. Sterling goes for a takedown. Doesn’t get it. Continues to look for a front kick. Gibson gets him against the cage. Gets the takedown. Sterling gets to his feet, still pinned against the cage. Fighters separate. Sterling ducks a punch and takes Gibson down. Works to half guard. Now back to full guard. Sterling is peppering Gibson with punches. Gibson works to his feet. Both fighters are in the clinch. Fighters separate. Sterling gets ahold of Gibson, pins him against the cage. Lands knees to the leg of Gibson. Sterling is trying to work the body with knees. Sterling keeps Gibson against the cage. Sterling 10-9.

Round 2- sterling strikes first, Gibson answers with a leg kick. Gibson telling sterling to bring it. Gibson grabs Sterling’s kick, lands a few punches. Now Gibson has sterling against the cage. Works to Sterling’s back, then back against the cage. Gibson gets the trip and looks immediately for a guillotine. Sterling escapes, is on bottom. Gibson working hard to keep sterling down. Gets Sterling’s back. Sterling stands up and reverses Gibson. Gibson then reverses, then sterling reverses. Fighters break free. Sterling with a leg kick. Gibson gets another trip, goes for the back again. Has sterling against the cage, standing up. Sterling reverses and gies for a takedown. Gibson locks in a guillotine, it looks tight but sterling survives the round. Gibson 10-9.

Round 3- sterling gets the takedown against the cage. Is in full guard. Sterling gets to half guard. Gibson is trying to sit up. Sterling is trying to lock in a choke. Looks like he has it. Let’s go of it, fighters get to their feet. Sterling throws a head kick, falls, Gibson goes for a gullitone, sterling gets out and ends up on top in half guard. Sterling is hammering him with body punches. Gibson rolls, sterling gets the back, has the body triangle locked up. Sterling trying to get the choke before the fight ends. Sterling rides him out . Sterling 10-9.

Results- Sterling wins via unanimous decision


Round 1 – Leg kick from Assuncao. Follows up with some big punches. Leg kick from Munhoz. Another good kick. Then goes to the body. Another big leg kick from Munhoz. Assuncao returns the favor. Both fighters throw leg kicks. Assuncao looks for a leg trip, doesn’t get it. Assuncao is really winging his punches. Munhoz lands a good punch. Munhoz really using those leg kicks. Assuncao throwing out some jabs. Goes for a front kick, misses. Close round. Munhoz 10-9.

Round 2- Right away Munhoz goes for the leg kicks. They clinch briefly. Fighters trade light leg kicks. Assuncao catches a kick from Munhoz, takes him down. Assuncao landing hard punches from the top. Fighters stand up. Low blow. Fight continues right away. Assuncao lands a good jab. Then a leg kick. Assuncao throws a leg kick and slips. Gets right up. Gets Munhoz to the ground. Is in full guard. Assuncao can’t get free to land punches. Starts to posture up. Gets to half guard. Assuncao 10-9.

Round 3- good leg kick from Assuncao. Fighters trade shots. Fighters clinch, then release. Munhoz misses a combo. Assuncao still winging his punches. Throws a straight front kick, misses. Fighters exchange leg kicks. Assuncao grazes Munhoz with a head kick. Assuncao landing a few more shots. Both fighters are throwing, Assuncao is landing more. Assuncao gets a last second takedown. Assuncao 10-9.

Results- Assuncao wins via unanimous decision.


Round 1 – Davis lands a leg kick. fighters clinch, Eye pushes Davis against the cage. fighters break apart. Davis lands a jab, leg kick combo. Again, Eye takes Davis against the cage. after no action, ref breaks them up. Davis with another leg kick. Fighters clinch, eyes lands a few punches, then they break apart. after a few punches. they clinch again. Now, Davis has Eye against the cage. Davis is landing good knees to the legs and body of Eye. Eye gets free and moves to the center of the octagon. Eye lands a good leg kick. Davis shoots under and gets the take down. gets to side control, then half guard. Davis 10-9.

Round 2- Davis utilizing the punch kick combos. Eye throws a leg kick, it gets caught and she is taken down. Davis is in half guard. Not a lot of action while Davis lays in half guard. Eye tries to sit up, Davis is in half guard, but has part of Eye’s back. Davis starting to land some punches. Davis rides Eye for the majority of the round. Davis 10-9.

Round 3- Davis lands a crisp punch kick combo. Davis throws a kick, it gets caught but eye lets it go. Davis comes in to throw a combo, Eye swings for the fences with a few punches. Davis lands a few more kicks to the body and legs. Eye lands a right and left. Eye is looking to counter with a right hand. Each fighter exchanges. fighters clinch, both fighters throw big punches then break apart. Eye keeps catching the kicks, but lets them go. Eye lands two leg kicks in a row. Eye lands a good jab. At the 15 second mark both fighters start to pour on the strikes. close round, maybe Eye 10-9.

Results- Davis wins via split decision. 29-28, 28-29, 30-27

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