In typical fight-night-fashion, BJPENN.COM will be providing live round-by-round and blow-by-blow action from all the fights on tonight’s UFC 170 fight card.
UFC 170 goes down tonight from The Mandalay Bay Events Center in Las Vegas, Nevada.
The first main card fight kicks off on pay-per-view starting at 7:00 p.m. PT and our main card coverage will conclude at approximately 10:00 p.m. PT when the main event is over.
If you don’t have tickets or can’t make the pay-per-view, just tune in here at the sound of the first bell for all the fight action you can handle.
Looking for preliminary card results? Click HERE.
Round 1 – Whittaker lands a good punch right away. Thompson goes for a combo, misses on all the punches. Thompson with a kick to the body. Whittaker using a good jab. another body kick from Thompson. Thompson throws a head kick, its blocked. Whittaker showing good movement. Whittaker lands two punches. Thompson lands a hard punch, drops Whittaker. Whittaker gets to his feet. Thompson lands another shot and continues to pound away at Whittaker. Fight stopped.
Result- Thompson wins via Tko at 3:43 round 1.
MIKE PYLE (25-9-1 MMA, 8-4 UFC) VS. T.J. WALDBURGER (16-8 MMA, 4-3 UFC)
Round 1 – Waldburger lands a leg kick. Pyle answers with his own. another leg kick from Pyle. Each fighter trade leg kicks. Waldburger throwing out the jab. pushes Pyle against the cage, looking for a take down. fighters break apart. Waldburger throws leg kick, follows up with a punch combo. Waldburger landing more shots. fighters clinch, Pyle gets the trip, gets half guard, then to butterfly guard. Pyle moves to side control. Pyle is landing knees to the shoulder of Waldburger. Pyle stands up, gets Waldburger against the cage, Waldburger reverses and has Pyle against the cage. Pyle gets away from cage, has Waldburger in the Thai clinch, Pyle gets a late takedown. Waldburger 10-9.
Round 2- Pyle nearly lands a straight front kick. Lands a leg kick. Waldburger throws a punch, then leg kick, misses both. Waldburger with a good leg kick. Fight hits the mat and Pyle is on top in half guard. tries to step over into mount. Pyle has Waldburger against the cage, gets to his feet and breaks free. Pyle lands a good knee while in a quick clinch. So far the stand up has been pretty even. Pyle clinches, Waldburger pushes him against the cage. Pyle reverses and gets Waldburger down. Fighters are rolling, end up standing against the cage, break free. Waldburger with a good body kick. Pyle 10-9.
Round 3- Waldburger lands a body kick. lands a good one two combo. Waldburger throws a leg kick. Fighters exchange punches. Waldburger with a strong jab. Throws a head kick, blocked. Pyle lands a good right hand, then another. Pyle lands a good knee to the body. Waldburger throws a leg kick, it gets caught, Pyle throws a spinning elbow, drops Waldburger. Waldburger gets up, gets Pyle against the cage. Waldburger lands a few knees to the body. Pyle hurts Waldburger with a huge shot, gets him in a tight guillotine, lets go and is in mount. Pyle is landing hard elbows from the top. Gets the back of Waldburger, Pyle relentlessly tees off on Waldburger. Herb Dean stops the fight.
Results- Pyle wins via Tko at 4:03 in round 3.
Round 1 – Maia shoots right away. doesn’t get it, shoots again, gets Macdonald down, is in full guard. Maia is on top, trying to move to a better position. Maia is in half guard. Maia gets the mount. landing good right hands. Macdonald is trying to get out, gets Maia to full guard. Maia stays on top, continues to work for a better position. Maia is in full guard. Macdonald’s face is bloody. Fighters get to their feet. Macdonald lands a leg kick. Maia lands a few big punches. Maia 10-9
Round 2- Maia looks for a takedown. Macdonald keeps throwing a straight front kick. Maia again shoots, doesn’t get it. Maia lands a hard left. Maia shoots again, Macdonald doing a good job sprawling. Maia again for a takedown, again stuffed, and then again. Maia with a body kick. Macdonald lands a good jab. Macdonald starting to find a rhythm on his feet. Maia’s face is bloody now. Maia looks wobbly, might just be how he is standing. Macdonald really landing with his hands. Maia swings a huge right hand, misses. Maia shoots again, stuffed. Macdonald continues to land the jab. Maia grabs a kick from Macdonald, tries to get the takedown, fails. Macdonald 10-9.
Round 3- Macdonald seems to be the fresher fighter. Throws two punches, then a body kick. Straight right from Macdonald. Macdonald is locked in and just keeps landing one two combos. Maia looks beat up. Maia gets him against the cage, goes for a single leg, switches to a double leg and gets Macdonald down. Maia is working from full guard. Only 2 minutes left. Macdonald keeping Maia in butterfly guard. fighters get to their feet. Macdonald goes right back to the jab. another Maia takedown stuffed. Then another. Front kick from Macdonald. Another sprawl. Maia starting to swing wildly. another stuff, Macdonald goes for a huge punch, misses. Macdonald ends the fight with a flurry of punches. 10-9 Macdonald.
Result-Macdonald wins via unanimous decision
Round 1 – Cummins with a good leg kick. Cummins looks for a takedown, doesn’t get it. Cormier lands a hard right hand. Cummins keeps ducking for a takedown. Cummins looks hurt. Cormier hurts him and pounces. Ref stops the fight. wow.
Results- Cormier wins via Tko at 1:19 in round 1.
Round 1 – McMann is landing strong punches. Rousey gets her agasint the cage. lands a few knees to the body. Rousey going for a throw, Mcmann fights it off. Rousey drops her with a knee to the body. Ref stops the fight.
Result- Rousey wins via Tko (Knee to body) at 1:06 in the first round