“It was ridiculous. This can’t happen. You can’t do that. This is real bad for the sport. It’s real bad. It’s real bad for public perception. It’s a weapon to be used against MMA. It’s unfortunate.
“I think it’s ridiculous. It’s ridiculous,” he said. “It’s just so bad for the image of the sport… These guys were not professional.”
“What you’ve got to have, everybody should have, is a no contact policy. Unless they agree to hug or shake hands and hug, there should be a no contact policy. And anybody who clearly violates that no contact policy gets fined,” he said. “Some guys can deal with it, the getting in the guy’s face. But when you have a situation like this, you’re going to have to have a no contact policy with those guys.”
“The importance of that not happening is huge. It’s huge. It’s just a negative connotation attached is what that is. That’s just violence,” said the long-time UFC broadcaster.
“The difference between that kind of violence and the violence of a sport is the violence of a sport is everyone’s agreeing to this scenario. You’re agreeing to train for X amount of weeks. You’re going to fight for X amount of rounds. You’re going to fight this guy. He weighs what you weigh. Everybody prepares and you meet on this day and you compete,” added Rogan.
“It is fighting as a competition, but it’s not violence the same way (the brawl) is. That’s a street fight. That’s a world champion mixed martial artist fighter and an Olympic wrestler in a street fight. That’s bad for everybody. That’s bad for wrestling. That’s bad for MMA. That’s bad for sports,”
“It’s fun for people to watch. I have two ways of looking at it. Part of me is like, that’s bad for the sport, but part of me is how I feel about it, though. Does it bum me out? No. It doesn’t make me upset. I’m not upset. I’m looking forward to watching this fight even more now,” said Rogan. “I’m not going to pretend that that’s not fun. I’m not going to pretend that that didn’t make everyone way more excited about that fight because it (expletive) for sure did.
“It’s not good to do, but it was fun to watch and more people are going to be excited about the fight. That’s the catch-22. There’s no real black or white about this,” continued the UFC commentator.
“As a representative of the sport, I absolutely wish it didn’t happen. As a person who cares a lot about the future of the sport and the public’s perception, which I think is already a little skewed. I think there’s a lot of people that aren’t fans that like to look at the people that fight in MMA as barbarians,” added the 46-year-old Rogan.
“Part of me gets bummed out when I see (expletive) like that, but part of me is like they’re going to fight anyway, so they fought a little here. You’re getting a little taste. I don’t know. It’s going to be a wild-ass fight, though.”
Joe Rogan gave his take on the Jones Cormier brawl on The Joe Rogan Experience. Do you agree with his idea for a no contact policy for fighters?