Really was my head. I had some personal things going on, a bit of my attention was lacking because of it. And another thing. Soon after the fight I went to the hospital and had a scan, which showed my creatine was too high. The normal level is up to 300, mine was in 1400. I also had trouble in the urine and kidneys.
JC: Did doctors say why this health problem occured?
JDS: The explanation of the doctors is that I pushed over the line, I over trained, and problems could have happened even before the fight… I was so good that I ended up crossing the line. That was the explanation of doctors. Mine is that I was not good with my head, was having personal problems and did not go well mentally in the fight.
JC: Evaluating all this, what will you do differently going forward?
JDS: Going forward I will be more careful, it will take my body to the limit all the time. I need to know how my body is reacting to what I am doing. We need to be a bit more professional about it. I will do tests during preparation. This fight also taught me that we have to be stronger with the head, think things strategy and better monitor the tactical part.
JC: If you can choose, would prefer fight Cain again immediately or have another fight first?
JDS: Actually, I want Cain. I won the first, he did a good job in the second. I think the third fight has to happen. He is the champion and I want to fight him. I know there are people in the queue, Bigfoot and Overeem are. If I have to meet someone before that rematch with Velasquez, I’ll cope. But what I really want is Cain now.