In the aftermath of “UFC Fight Night: Auckland”, The Australian media has taken issue with UFC commentator Mike Goldberg.
During his fight commentary, Goldberg confused two-sports, a rule set and mispronounced the name of one of the regions biggest sporting idols.
Harmless errors from a man not from the area, but the media fired off, taking serious offense to ‘Goldie’s’ mistakes.
Fuelling the American stereotype of being completely ignorant about other countries, the US commentator announced, “Here tonight in attendance, Jonah Lomu of the All Blacks, one of the greatest Australian Rules Football players of all time.”
Jonah Lomu is, of course, not one of our greatest AFL players, but rather one of the world’s greatest Rugby union players. You know, the sport that the All Blacks compete in.
Not only did the commentator get that wrong, but he also pronounced Lomu’s last name wrong as well, calling him,” Jonah La-boo.”