A welterweight bout between Yancy Medeiros (13-4 MMA) and Sean Spencer (12-6 MMA) kicked off tonight’s UFC 203 pay-per-view event in Cleveland, Ohio.
Round one begins and Spencer comes in and misses with a right hand. Yancy responds and lands a body kick. Medeiros lands a nice left hand. Spencer fires back with a hard leg kick and then a right hand. Both fighters are trying to find their range. Yancy lands a kick to the body. Sean throws a front kick that just misses the jaw of Medeiros. Yancy lands another nice kick to the body but eats a big right hand. Both fighters connect with left hands. Yancy catches a Spencer kick and then delivers a hard left. Spencer quickly fires back with a straight right. Yancy tags Sean with a left jab. Spencer fires back with a right hand but eats a high kick from Medeiros. Yancy comes forward and lands a good combination. Sean fires right back with a body-head combo of his own. Round one comes to a close with both men exchanging shots.
Round two begins and Spencer starts things off with a leg kick. Yancy comes forward and lands a huge head kick. Spencer crashes to the canvas from the impact. Yancy quickly pounces on Sean and locks in a choke. Spencer is forced to tapout.