The latest installment of the saga of Jon Jones is finally nearing the end. At the beginning of this week, Jones appeared before the California State Athletic Commission (CSAC), resulting in his license being revoked and fined $205K. Tied with him seemingly forever, longtime rival Daniel Cormier has been quiet on the matter but now that The Ultimate Fighter 27 season has wrapped, Cormier broke his silence about it today.
“You know, I wasn’t watching [the CSAC hearing]. I was filming [The Ultimate Fighter 27]. Honestly, I haven’t paid much attention to it. I told you guys that I’ve moved on. You know again, I’ve had to move on. My sole focus is Stipe Miocic. I have disconnected myself from [Jon Jones] and his issues. When things are sorted out, then I guess I’ll pay attention again. I’ve got bigger fish to fry. [I’ve got] Stipe Miocic to [try and] become a two-division champion. Maybe [Jones] will get an opportunity to take both belts from Cormier or something. I don’t know.”
I want to thank csac for taking the time and hearing my case, and executive officer Andy Foster for saying he believes me.
— Jon Bones Jones (@JonnyBones) February 27, 2018
“No, I don’t feel bad for [Jones]. Again, he put himself in all of these situations. These were not forced on you. This is his reality now. Man, [the fight with Stipe Miocic is] a big deal. Stipe has been a great champion. I respect him tremendously. I think it’s gonna be a hard fight for me. An uphill battle but I believe I can get the job done. I would never do this if I didn’t think I ciould win. I’m excited about the opportunity to make history. This really is a chance to make history and to etch my name in stone, so I’m excited about it.” — Daniel Cormier speaking to TMZ Sports.
Perhaps the most interesting part of all this is the off-hand mention of closing out the trilogy with Jon Jones with both the heavyweight and light heavyweight titles on the line. Jones is eligible to apply for his license again in August of this year, but his suspension has not been handed out by USADA yet. With Cormier still planning on retiring from MMA in March of 2019, there isn’t much time left to fight Jon Jones one more time.
This article first appeared on on 3/2/2018.