A heavyweight fight between Alexey Oleynik and Junior Albini took place during tonight’s UFC 224 prelims from Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
Round one begins and Oleynik misses with a jab to the body. A follow up punch does land and the fighters clinch. Alexey presses Albini against the cage. That doesn’t last long as Junior breaks free. Albini with a nice right hand. Alexey is cut and bleeding. He circles and then comes forward with a right hand. Albini connects with a counter left hook. Alexey opts to clinch up. He drops down to the floor and pulls Junior with him. Could we see another Ezekiel choke? Yes we can as Alexey locks it in tight. Albini has nowhere to go. This one is all over. Albini is forced to tapout.
HE DID IT AGAIN!!!@OleynikUFC with the Ezekiel choke finish at #UFC224 pic.twitter.com/LW0UOWNGam
— UFC Europe (@UFCEurope) May 13, 2018
@OleynikUFC #UFC224 pic.twitter.com/vFE154wqav
— UFC (@ufc) May 13, 2018