A women’s bantamweight bout between Alexis Davis and Sara McMann took place on tonight’s TUF 24 Finale main card in Las Vegas.
Round one begins and McMann starts things off with a right hand. Davis presses forward and lands a combination. Sara goes to the body with a jab and then upstairs with a right. She circles out and then comes forward with another crisp combination. She throws a right hand and then shoots in and scores a takedown. Alexis is trying to lockup a triangle choke. She switches to some elbows from the bottom. Sara gets off a right hand from the top. She switches to a left. Sara postures up and lands a couple of big shots. Alexis attempts to scramble. She switches to a triangle choke and begins working some more elbows from the bottom. Round one comes to an end.
Round two begins and Sara fires off a big combination to start. She scores a beautiful hip toss and winds up on top. Davis scrambles in search of a leg lock. She gives up on the leg and not Mcmann has her in a bad spot. Sara lands some short shots to Davis’ face. She is working some shots from half guard here. McMann switches to a head and arm choke attempt. She needs to get her leg free. She does and Alexis is forced to tapout! Wow.