A light heavyweight bout between Ryan Bader and Ilir Latifi took place during today’s UFC Fight Night 93 main card in Hamburg, Germany.
Round one begins and Bader starts off by pressuring Latifi. He misses with a jab and then a head kick. Latifi misses with a wild leg kick. Bader partially connects with a high kick. Bader continues his forward pressure and lands a hard body kick. Ilir now takes the center of the octagon. Bader catches him with another nice body kick. Latifi throws a big overhand right that misses. Ilir shoots in but Bader easily shakes him off. Latifi throws back-to-back big rights, both of which were partially blocked by Ryan. Bader seems hesitant to engage. Ilir charges forward and drops Bader with a right hand. Ryan gets back to his feet and round one comes to an end.
Round two begins and Bader lands a right hand to start. Latifi charges forward with some right hands. Bader seems very cautious of his power. Ryan shoots in for a takedown. Ilir easily stuffs the attempt and makes Bader pay with punches on his way back up. Bader comes forward and lands a hard leaping right hand. He follows that up with a nice elbow inside. Bader lands a big kick and Latifi is out cold.