“One of my favorite books ever is Ender’s Game. I was reading it when I was in the seventh grade. I read it like every year for several years. One of my favorite things in the book was, he wasn’t a vicious person or anything like that, but in an effort to protect himself, every fight that he got into he had to win it in such an overwhelming way that he would win all of the future fights. That person would never come back. That’s kind of what I’m trying to do.”
“I’m trying to win in such a big way that that person, all of their hope of ever trying to come back ever again is just crushed. It’s better for both of us. That one fight, it keeps it from going on and on and on. I’m just trying to make it definite and put a stamp on it and be like, ‘OK, this chapter in your life is over and I’m moving on.’”