In te second with of the main card, Joe Soto squared off against Anthony Birchak.
Both fighters came out quick. Right away Birchak looked to be the aggressor, moving forward with his punches.
Birchak grabbed the head of Soto, in the clinch and tried for a knee to the body. It didn’t seem to land but right after that he landed a short right hand to the chin of Soto.
Soto dropped right away and Birchak rushed in to unload strikes. Soto managed to get to his feet. With Soto’s back on the cage, Birchak unleashed a fury of strikes. Soto did his best to keep his arms up to defend, but eventually one of them got through and Soto fell to the mat, out cold. Fight over.
RESULTS: Birchak wins via KO at 1:37 of round 1
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