A key bantamweight tilt between Thomas Almeida and Albert Morales served as the co-main event bout of tonight’s historic UFC Fight Night 100 card in Sao Paulo, Brazil.
Round one begins and Almeida lands a counter elbow to start. He scores with a follow up left hand and then lands a nice leg kick. Morales with a front kick to the body that lands. Thomas misses with a wild right and gets countered by a Morales strike. Almeida presses forward here. He eats a nice left from Morales. Albert presses forward and lands a nice punch. He is pressing forward now. Almeida with a right hand. He presses forward with a wild combo that misses. Morales misses with a right. Almeida connects with a leg kick and then a jab. He eats a counter from Morales. Almeida cracks him with a right hand and then another. Morales is in trouble and so he shoots. Morales gets the takedown and then transitions to the back of Almeida. Morales is looking for a rear-naked choke. He can’t get it and Almeida breaks free. Both men start swinging wildy and both connect with big shots. This fight is crazy. Round one comes to an end.
Round two begins and Almeida presses forward with a combination. Morales tries to counter but misses with a right hand. Thomas throws a spinning back kick that just misses the mark. Morales presses forward with punches but does not connect. Almeida lands a big combinations. Morales is hurt. Almeida is all over him with punches in bunches. Morales is still on his feet but is in all sorts of trouble. The referee finally steps in to stop the bout.