News came out on Monday during Jon Jones’ NSAC hearing on his temporary suspension that the substances “Bones” popped for were clomiphene and letrozole.
Despite both his original sample and B-sample collected on June 16 came back with the same results, Jones is standing firm on his innocence.
Jones responded to a few people on twitter on Monday, answering to some pretty harsh critics.
@JonnyBones the man built for great things, yet throws it all away…. How many comebacks can you have in one career
— Rory Tandy (@rorytandy) July 18, 2016
As many as it takes for me to get it right, as many as I'm willing to fight for
— Jon Bones Jones (@JonnyBones) July 18, 2016
Don't care what he's done in the past, @JonnyBones's return will be epic.
— DC (@TheBallWinner) July 18, 2016
Don't write me off just yet, I know in my heart that I'm not a cheater. I trust in the system to help me prove it
— Jon Bones Jones (@JonnyBones) July 18, 2016
@JonnyBones @TheBallWinner huge fan man but what you took is proven to cover steroid use
— Joey bird (@youngbird78) July 18, 2016
You're absolutely right man, I learned that myself over the last week. But it doesnt mean you actually took steroids
— Jon Bones Jones (@JonnyBones) July 18, 2016
@JonnyBones why are you talking like you're a victim? You could've prevented this so easily
— Daniel Ioannou (@DanIoannou) July 18, 2016
Not trying 2 come across as a victim if anything Im a victim of my own ignorance & yes this could've been prevented
— Jon Bones Jones (@JonnyBones) July 18, 2016
@JonnyBones Do you think Brock took steroids? Or is he in the same boat ? He's always looked that way
— DSnitching (@Mr_Beautiful323) July 18, 2016
I know we are not in the same boat, I'll just leave it at that
— Jon Bones Jones (@JonnyBones) July 18, 2016
I'll disclose to the public when I find out, already sent products to a lab. I have nothing to hide
— Jon Bones Jones (@JonnyBones) July 18, 2016
@JonnyBones Bro, your positivity is remarkable, how do you deal mentally with all this misery..
— Ramon (@ramondiaz) July 18, 2016
I know I'm writing a story that someone else will draw strength from in the future. I owe it to them not to give up
— Jon Bones Jones (@JonnyBones) July 18, 2016
@JonnyBones USADA has exposed you. You've probably been using roids your whole career. No way should you be considered as the goat
— ️ (@DeezKnicks) July 18, 2016
Yep that's the consensus
— Jon Bones Jones (@JonnyBones) July 18, 2016